Denver International Airport (DIA) is about 40 min from Golden, 35 minutes from Littleton. Renting a car at DIA is your best bet for local transportation.
Where's the best place to stay?
See the "Travel" section of our website for several hotel options in/near Golden and Littleton. The wedding is in Littleton and the reception is in Morrison. The welcome reception on Thurs is in Golden. Our hotel options give you flexibility on location and proximity to our venues.
Are Katie and Tom registered for gifts?
We have everything we need and we're deeply grateful that you're sharing this special day with us. Your presence is all we want! If you'd like to make a donation to a charity/nonprofit that is meaningful to you in lieu of a wedding gift, please feel free to share the details with us.
What are transportation options for the reception?
We encourage you to consider options such as Uber or Lyft, especially if you'll be celebrating with an alcoholic beverage at the reception. Overnight parking IS allowed at Red Rocks Country Club, so if you drive and are celebrating enthusiastically, please consider leaving your car and picking it up on Sunday. For a group who wants to hire a luxury car, SUV, or bus, you may want to look into Blacklane: